Elevator Conversation Anyone?


NOTE: If you’ve consulted this site in order to learn how to break the ice on elevators — I am sorry. Let’s get this idea out of the way right now. Other folk journalists may offer tips for conversation while encased going up or down. I suggest taking the stairs. (Better for ya!)

Elevator conversation is awkward enough, but I remember one legend regarding lifts that my parents passed down to me. This is a tale of two white tourists riding an elevator in a Park Avenue hotel in New York. Yankee baseball slugger Reggie Jackson gets in at some point, pulling his doberman along on a leash.

As they all ride together, Jackson commands his dog: “Sit!”

At which point the tourists sit down.

Folklorist Jan Harold Brunvand catalogued many similar myths in his funny book The Choking Doberman, W.W. Norton, 1984.


And now back to our regularly scheduled convo tips from your local folk journalist…

P.S. Reggie Jackson, interviewed by a reporter for a Rochester, NY newspaper said he’d heard the story a thousand times but, “I’d never own a dog in New York. Whatever you’ve been told isn’t true.”


sketch by Flash Rosenberg
sketch by Flash Rosenberg
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