A Toast To The New (Sidebar convo)


In 2014, the average American adult spent four times longer watching TV than socializing and communicating.  

The American Time Use Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics, NY Times January 10 2016

Wow. That’s a drag. Let me be the last to wish you Happy 2016. Let’s get out there and conversate!

Depending upon where you are living, or where you suddenly find yourself arrested (See weblog entry: NOW THAT YOU’VE BEEN ARRESTED), learning how to give toasts in a different language can be crucial. Any folk journalist knows — well, this one; I’ve been arrested in Athens, Minneapolis and elsewhere — you are more likely to impress captors by coming off as erudite, perhaps even as someone appearing exotic or full of intrigue.  This sometimes can also get one free drinks.

Herewith a few starter tongues to try out:

Cherefa! Turkish for in your honor

Genatseet! Armenia to your health

Gon Bai! Drain your cup in China

Jeveli! means long life in Croatian

Krasivaya! is Beautiful to Russians

Salum! is the Farsi for shalom/salaam/peace

Sastimos! in Romani for good health

Saud! Portuguese

Spakoini Noche! is Good night

And Zie Gezundt! Yiddish, works for so many things


pic of me tipping capToasts in Many Countries! Let’s talk soon shall we?



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